This guy I met in LA

It isn’t that there’s anything wrong with being a personal trainer/massage therapist/designer/actor and having a photograph of yourself shirtless on your business card.  It’s that you talk about yourself so much that I can’t get a word in edgewise!

Maybe I’m biased, but

I think my nephews are the cutest people ever.  The two year old calls the two month old “Pookie.”


The Guest House Chronicles-About that discount. . .

I find it interesting that people expect a discount just because they ask for one.  Particularly since we offer luxurious short-term digs at an already competitive price.

“[Garden House] looks great!  I am looking for a place that is convenient and safe, but as I am a resident, I do not have a lot of money.”

Well, well, well.  You’re a resident.  Almost a doctor.  While I do consider all discount requests on a case-by-case basis and routinely give price breaks to long-term (several months), repeat guests, I can’t help but to be cynical.

When she becomes a doctor, if I were to walk into her office, requesting a discount because I have no medical insurance, would she give it to me?  I think not!


The consequence of over-sharing with an over-sharer. . .

Um, so my friend just published the news on Facebook and tagged me in the post.  I only told her the juice because she was planning to visit me overseas and now the dates won’t work for us to meet up in Istanbul.

Right, so now I’m not telling anyone else!  I’m going to try to keep it between me, my friend, and our combined 2,000 cyberfriends.




I’m an over-sharer. I tell everyone all of my business, all of the time, especially when I’m excited or nervous. It rarely works out in my favor.
For example, my first year at University, I had an astronomically large crush on this Jamaican who lived in my dorm. (In retrospect, the guy wasn’t really that great, and the size of the crush was disproportionate to his crush-worthiness, but I digress.) As with all of my hopes, dreams, and exciting news, I couldn’t keep it to myself, or to just a few friends, or even just to all of my friends.
Instead, I told just about every single person I encountered about my crush. This is only a slight exaggeration. I told my classmates, my favorite professors, everyone whose path I crossed at the dormitory–including the residents, the front desk personnel, and cleaning staff,–and I even confided in this hater named Rose who then told my crush I’d said that I loved him, wanted to marry him and then have 15,000 of his kids. (I admit I probably said this, but jokingly–kind of–and in confidence.)
I’ve been this way ever since I’ve had “business” to spill. Which brings me to this–I shared prematurely on this blog about my trip. As soon as I’d purchased my ticket to Istanbul, I posted that I was going to Turkey for a week, then to Egypt for two months, then to Turkey again for another week. Well! I’ll have to take that back. Looks like my plans will change because of another, very exciting opportunity I just got. And I’m not sharing it. At least not here. Not yet, anyway.


Have I gotten too comfortable?

While checking out at the natural foods cooperative in my neighborhood, I chatted with the friendly cashier.

“You come in here pretty often, don’t you?” he asked me.

“Yep! I live really close.”

“You always come in here looking like you just rolled out of bed,” he said.

I looked down at my outfit.  It was 30 degrees outside, and over my practice dance wear (leggings, top, and legwarmers), I was sporting some “Classic Elements” brand sweatpants that I’d inherited from my late grandmother, (they’re too tight at the ankle, so I’d cuffed them), and a University of Salamanca hoodie that has been washed no fewer than 400 times.

I was so embarrassed, I almost forgot my receipt!


I booked it!

My trip will be just short of two and a half months.  Five days in Istanbul, 2 months in Egypt, then 5 more days in Istanbul.  That is really the depth of my plan so far.  The rest will come together.

There will be dancing, there will be studying, there will be sightseeing, and there will be language learning.  There will be adventure!


Am I wrong?

I’m tired of guys trying to court me via FaceBook.
